Online Plagiarism Checker: How Does It Work

Would you like to know all the secrets of your teacher? Most likely, yes. Especially, if this can help you improve your grades.

Online Plagiarism Checker: How Does It Work

Well, if your teacher is a fan of all kinds of anti-plagiarism programs, this article is a great opportunity for you to learn how these online plagiarism checkers work.

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An online plagiarism checker is a program where you upload any of your writings (your original ones, hopefully) and get a result of how high the percentage of plagiarism is.

Some students think that online plagiarism checkers are too complicated to use for their teachers to take advantage of them. Well, these students are completely wrong: even a seven years old child could check your complicated paper for plagiarism. So, dear students, your teachers have no problem running these kinds of online plagiarism checkers.

Many students believe that if they take only one sentence from a source, without citing it properly, nobody will notice that. To tell the truth, an online plagiarism checker will identify this sentence within few moments, highlighting it in red and showing the sources this sentence was stolen from. So, this online plagiarism checker is rather smart, isn’t it?!

Teachers love using all kinds of online plagiarism checkers, because they are often free of charge, designed by professionals to help educators identify plagiarism. Some anti-plagiarism programs are so sophisticated that even a paraphrased part can be detected.

Online plagiarism checkers make your life so much more complicated. Unfortunately, the only way to struggle with this program is to stop plagiarizing at all. So, now it is time to submit 100% original papers that you wrote on your own.