Get Rid
of Plagiarism!

Forget about plagiarism with PlagiarismAnalyzer and check the authenticity of your texts with just a few clicks. Our plagiarism checker works with any type of content.

AI-Powered Algorithm

We developed an AI-powered tool to check any text for intentional or unintentional plagiarism.

Plagiarism Report

We provide a comprehensive Plagiarism Report, according to your needs.

100% Data Protection

We do not store your uploads in databases or archives, or share any of your information.

How It Works

There are three simple steps between you and 100% authentic texts

  • Submit your paper, document, or article.
  • We will check it for matches between your document and all web and internal sources, including closed databases.
  • Get a comprehensive plagiarism report with match percentage and source links.

Top-Choice Plagiarism Checker

We designed AI-Powered PlagiarismAnalyzer to detect plagiarism in any type of text: academic papers, business documents, articles and more. Our plagiarism checker performs extensive searches across various databases, archives, and the internet to locate borrowed content and present the most accurate results.

Artificial Intelligence can easily determine character replacement or "white ink" cheating.
Our plagiarism checker software recognizes similar and paraphrased text.
PlagiarismAnalyzer will crosscheck your paper against millions of webpages, closed databases, academic journals, and more!
Work both online and offline with your reports. You can download them to docX or PDF formats or access all features online.
You can share the report with your peers or colleagues, allowing them to comment on the plagiarism analysis.
PlagiarismAnalyzer does not store or share your data with any third party, or upload your paper to the Turnitin database.

Is PlagiarismAnalyzer for Me?

We have developed a robust plagiarism checker to fit any user's needs, whether you are a student, blogger, or an organization.


Raise awareness of original writing and academic honesty policies.


Forget about intentional and unintentional plagiarism in your papers.

Bloggers and Freelancers

Make sure search engines won't penalize your content.


Protect the image, brand, and reputation of your company.

Want to learn more about plagiarism and how to avoid it?

Check our articles to learn nuts and bolts about plagiarism, its causes and consequences.

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